Marriage resgistration benefits and procedure to register your marriage

LEGAL WEBSITE CONTACT All about Marriage Registration in India Marriage is a socially and legally recognized partnership that provides rights and duties between a man and a woman. It is a sacred tie when a man and woman pledge to spend the rest of their lives together, according to Hindu law. A civil contract between two persons is defined under the Special Marriage Act and Muslim law. marriage certificate is a legal document that certifies a couple's marital status. For women's protection, the Supreme Court made marriage registration mandatory in 2006. Benefits of a marriage certificate: 1. It's a significant and vital document that establishes a person's lawful marriage status. 2. After the wedding, a marriage certificate is necessary when applying for a passport or opening a bank account. 3. Extremely helpful in acquiring both husband and wife visas. 4. Traditional weddings are not recognized by foreign embassies in 5. India or other countries; a Marriage Certi...